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oliver goldsmith中文是什么意思

用"oliver goldsmith"造句"oliver goldsmith"怎么读"oliver goldsmith" in a sentence


  • 奥利弗
  • 奥立佛
  • 哥德史密斯
  • 戈德斯密斯
  • 斯密斯


  • This is irving's appraisal of oliver goldsmith .
  • This is irving ' s appraisal of oliver goldsmith
  • “ all his faults are such that one loves him still the better for them ” ( oliver goldsmith )
    “爱他的人反而因他的错误更爱” (奥利弗?戈德史密斯) 。
  • “ the true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them ” ( oliver goldsmith )
    “言语的真正的作用并非过多地表达我们的渴求以至隐藏了它们” (奥利佛?戈尔德史密斯) 。
  • Goldsmith , oliver . " a comparison between laughing and sentimental comedy . " the works of oliver goldsmith . london : john murray , 1854
    欢笑与感伤的喜剧之间的比较> , 《奥利弗?戈德史密斯作品集》 .伦敦:约翰?默里出版社, 1854
  • “ they would talk of nothing but high life . . . with other fashionable topics , such as pictures , taste , shakespeare ” ( oliver goldsmith )
    他们谈论的只是高层生活…以及其它时髦的话题,如绘画、审美和莎士比亚(奥立弗?高德史密斯) 。
  • 1956 and alice maher b . 1956 . sculpture in the nineteenth century was heroic and monumental as exemplified by the statues of oliver goldsmith and edmund burke by john henry foley 18191974 outside trinity college , dublin
    19世纪的雕塑主要是英雄和纪念碑形式, john henry foley ( 1819 1974 )制作的置于都柏林三一学院外的奥利弗戈德斯密斯和艾德蒙伯克是其中的代表作。
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